Lead Paint Services NYC

What is Lead Paint Abatement?

Lead paint abatement is the process of safely reducing lead paint hazards.

Lead paint abatement can be very dangerous if done improperly. It’s best to hire professional contractors to remove lead paint from your home. If abatement work is done improperly, a greater lead hazard may be created.

In the United States, lead abatement activities are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Individuals and firms that conduct lead-based paint activities, including abatement, must be certified.

How do I know if my home should have Abatement?

Sometimes, a local agency will direct abatement in a home.  At other times, you may choose an abatement because you may feel that this is the best way to protect your children from lead exposure.  Or, you may feel more comfortable having your lead paint abated rather than committing to long-term regular maintenance.  Your risk assessor (ABCZ Consulting Corporation) can help you decide among these options.

ABCZ Consulting Corp. is a certified lead-based abatement contractor by EPA with many years of experience, servicing community of NYC.

Common Abatement Methods

  • Enclosure is the easiest method. Lead paint is covered with flexible wall covering, paneling or gypsum board. Enclosure works best on large, flat surfaces that are not subject to friction.
  • Paint Removal may be done on or off the work-site. On-site paint removal often creates large amounts of lead dust, fumes and mists. This is best left to the professionals.
  • Replacement involves removing the object coated with lead paint entirely and replacing it with new material. It’s one of the best methods for doors, windows, and moldings.
  • Encapsulation covers and seals lead paint with a special coating. It is less expensive than more thorough methods of abatement, but not suitable for surfaces subject to friction.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Contact ABCZ Consulting Corporation today for a FREE consultation.

We will review your needs and provide you with a free estimate to perform the services.

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